Kenneth Willeford

Professor Emeritus



  • Peebles, E.D., M.R. Burnham, S.L. Branton, K.O. Willeford, and P.D. Gerard. 2012. Effects of F-strain Mycoplasma gallisepticum inoculation at twelve weeks of age on serum vitellogenin concentrations in commercial egg laying hens. International Journal of Poultry Science 11(10):654-657. Download
  • Parker, T.A., H.H. Cheng, K.O. Willeford, S. Wu. 2011. Interleukin-6 expression in response to innate immune regulatory factor stimulation. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy 65:90-94. Download
  • Tokarskyy, O., D.L. Marshall, M.W. Schilling, K.O. Willeford. 2009. Comparison of End-Point Cooking Temperature of Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) Fillets. Journal of Muscle Foods 20:325-340. Download
  • Peebles, E.D., K.O. Willeford, R.W. Keirs, K.E. Nestor, Y.M. Saif, C. Wang, C.T. Matyi, J.W. Anderson, M.T. Kidd, R. Pulikanti. 2008. Use of a caprine serum fraction-immunomodulator to reduce mortality in commercial and large-bodied turkey lines infected with Pasteurella multocida. International Journal of Poultry Science 7(8):818-824. Download